• hamilton shores,  history

    Pretend to at Least

    Duncan submitted this poem which was written by Charlotte Hamilton Rice. Required reading for all of our better halves!

    The superscript numbers refer to the folks at the bottom and their links to our family tree.

    Long, long ago in the dim days of yore
    There lived very close to the Hamilton Shore
    A group of kids called the Tribe of Tom
    And they were the folks that we come from.
    Ruby(1) and Julia(2) and Addie(3) and Sue(4)
    These were the girls in that lively crew.
    Alec(5) and Frederick(6) and Sidney(7) and Ben(8)
    But the nicest boy was the one called Hen(9),
    Our Grandsire from whom we directly descend.
    The Tribe of Thomas did swim in the bay,
    They ran thru the woods and they jumped in the hay.
    They walked on the shore, they dug clams in the sand,
    They loved every inch of this Down-in-Maine land.
    So we, their descendants, have all the same yen
    To get back to Maine just whenever we can.
    And we want all the in-laws to have the same passion
    If you belong to our family, it’s really the fashion.
    Oh, Anita(10) and Ginny(11), Marj(12), Nancy(13) and Ann(14)
    And Penny(15), Ed(16), Albie(17), please see if you can
    Be an actually ardent Down-in-Maine fan.
    So, here’s to Tom’s Tribe and our spot way down East
    And if you can’t like it – pretend to at least.
    Charlotte Hamilton Rice – July 14, 1962

    (1) Rubie Hamilton, 1853-1900, married Charles Gerry.
    (2) Julia Hamilton, 1836-1932, married Freeman Higgins.
    (3) Adelaide Hamilton, 1842-1922, married John Marks.
    (4) Susan Hamilton, 1838-1860, married Geoge Bartlett.
    (5) Alexander Hamilton, 1830-1887, married Naomi Lufkin.
    (6) Frederick Hamilton, 1850-1933, married Adelle Grindle.
    (7) Charles (Sidney, went by Syd) Hamilton, 1847-1937, married Clara Joyce.
    (8) Benjamin Hamilton, 1832-1918, married Sarah Hamilton (yes her maiden name..).
    (9) Our own Henry Hamilton, 1845-1915, married Eva Byard.

    James Hamilton, 1828-1909, and John Hamilton, 1836-1864, aren’t mentioned.

    (10) Anita Tabor, married to Hammy Gates.
    (11) Virginia Ellis, married to Dick Gates.
    (12) Marjorie Jones, married to Ken Rice.
    (13) Nancy Garfield, married to Dave Rice.
    (14) Ann Lang, married to Bob Hamilton.
    (15) Elizabeth Ruggles, married to Doug Hamilton.
    (16) Ed Lodge, married to Frannie Hamilton.
    (17) Albie Smith, married to Peggy Hamilton.

  • history

    Family Tree

    Okay folks I think the HamDun portion of our family tree (meaning the direct descendants of Harry Hamilton and Fannie Dunham) is largely complete.

    That said, we know there will be mistakes.We know there will be omissions. None of it is intentional and we are hugely sensitive to tripping any sensitivities. So we need your help – if you see any of the above, just let us know and we shall correct the record.

    Particularly focused on missing dates and full (often adding middle) names and locations. You can access the tree at www.hamdun.org/tree and, once registering (it is a different registration from this website) we can give you access to make edits directly, or we’re happy to do it for you.

    Based on current count, it looks like:

    • Gen 1, 2 people (Harry Hamilton and Fannie Dunham)
    • Gen 2, 4 (Charlotte, Catherine, Donald and Richard)
    • Gen 3, 11
    • Gen 4, 25
    • Gen 5, 41
    • Gen 6, 10

    Don’t worry Gen 6. We know youre still in process and we have faith!

    Also adding the Family Tree below in case easier to review this way.


  • events

    June Birthdays

    Now that our Family Tree (well, at least the HamDun portion) is largely complete, we can list upcoming birthdays..

    • June 2 Cassie Daley
    • June 9 Joan Hamilton
    • June 9 Caitlin Hamilton
    • June 10 Moy Gates
    • June 10 Patrick Daley
    • June 12 Joshua Castor
    • June 18 Eli Maxwell
    • June 22 Christina Gates
    • June 29 Tobias Castor

    Happy birthday to all!

    And happy 32nd (!) anniversary to Mark and Anne Engel on June 18!

    If I missed anyone or have anything wrong let me know!